Friday, July 30, 2010

New Addition to MUSH

We are very excited to blog about our friend Carolyn H who had a small boutique shop in Atwater Village will have a nice little collection on display in MUSH. Yay!

Recent changes in Atwater made it impossible for her to keep her lease and we were only too happy to oblige and offer her to display her gorgeous collections at our store.

An eclectic collector and world traveller she brings Henna Candles from India, Jewelry from India, Morocco, Turkey and Nepal and handmade Touareg Bags from The Himalayas.

Nothing you will be able to find at your local K-mart :-) (sorry)

Come by and see for yourself.

(if you want to read more about the recent changes in Atwater...)

1 comment:

MUSH said...

A lot of folks here have been confused with the poster, thinking we are moving...


We were welcoming our new consignee a store from Atwater village called Importante.

We are happy to say we are here to stay. Our Web-page has been picking up speed, and we are about to celebrate the big 3. More to come...